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Harnessing the value of spatial dimension in social research infrastructure
Topics: Geographic Information Science and Systems
Keywords: Digital Asset Management System, spatial social science, geovisual analytics Session Type: Virtual Paper Abstract Day: Tuesday Session Start / End Time: 3/1/2022 09:40 AM (Eastern Time (US & Canada)) - 3/1/2022 11:00 AM (Eastern Time (US & Canada)) Room: Virtual 14
Bing She, University of Michigan
With the increasing interest in spatial analysis among social scientists, data archives are gradually improving their platforms to deposit, search and visualize spatial data. These archives typically accept deposits from diverse research projects with significant variations in terms of the data formats and structures. The variations make it challenging to integrate multiple datasets for the online visualization and analysis. In addition, the visualization and analysis methods vary for different types of spatial data. Therefore, to maximize the value of the spatial dimension in social research infrastructure, a data archive needs to support online geovisual analytics adaptive to the data characteristics. This research provides an early attempt to integrate various geovisual analytics functions on selected ICPSR studies. The built prototype is integrated with ICPSR's Digital Asset Management System for spatial data curation, spatial search, and geovisual analytics. Such integration gives a promising direction for promoting spatial methods among social science communities.
Harnessing the value of spatial dimension in social research infrastructure