Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part I)
Type: Virtual Paper
Day: 2/27/2022
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 9:20 AM
Sponsor Group(s):
Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group
, Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group
, Spatial Analysis and Modeling Specialty Group
Yongze Song
Yongze Song, Curtin University, Australia
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Spatial associations are usually affected by scale from the perspective of spatial modelling. The nature of the scale effects on spatial associations is that the geographical phenomenon revealed by variables are varied at different geographical scales. Therefore, it is an essential topic to investigate the scale effects in spatial associations. Spatial associations can be quantified using models developed in terms of spatial dependence, similarity, heterogeneity, extremes, etc., and aspatial mathematical relations, such as regression models and machine learning. The increasing availability of Earth observation and social data raise more requirements of understanding scale effects in spatial associations. As part of the Symposium of Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling, this session specifically calls for studies on developing innovative models in scale and spatial associations or emerging implementations of scale and spatial associations in natural environment and social science.
This session contains three parts:
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part I:
Xiaochi Liu, Macquarie University, Australia
Eunhee Kim, Georgia State University
Xinlin Ma, Tsinghua University, China
Bridget Burgos, Penn State University
Xin Gu, University of Cincinnati
Part II:
Devon Lechtenberg, Capitol Regional Council of Governments
Shipeng Sun, Hunter College - City University
Lola Gulyamova, Tashkent State Technical University
Scott Wright, University of Nevada - Reno
Olga Shevchenko, Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine
Part III:
Aram Yang, The Ohio State University
Ran Tao, University of South Florida
Yougeng Lu, University of Southern California
Wenliang Li, University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Yongze Song, Curtin University, Australia
Presentation(s), if applicable
Xinlin Ma, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Shanghai, successful planning to attract travel demand? Evidence from a GTWR model using subway and Taxi trajectory data |
Bridget Burgos, ; Testing Determinants of Crime in Philadelphia: A Statistical Spatial Analysis Using Geographic Weighted Poisson Regression |
Xin Gu, Texas State University, San Marcos; Re-assessing racial heterogeneity in crime study |
Non-Presenting Participants Agenda
Role | Participant |
Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part I)
Virtual Paper
Contact the Primary Organizer
Yongze Song -