Statewide prioritization of vernal pools for pond-breeding amphibians in New Jersey
Topics: Geographic Information Science and Systems
, Animal Geographies
, Land Use
Keywords: Vernal pool, Amphibian, Fragmentation metric, Wildlife management, New Jersey
Session Type: Virtual Lightning Paper Abstract
Day: Sunday
Session Start / End Time: 2/27/2022 03:40 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada)) - 2/27/2022 05:00 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))
Room: Virtual 42
Hannah Elizabeth Craft, Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy Program, Monmouth University
Sean C Sterrett, Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy Program, Monmouth University
Geoffrey Fouad, Geographic Information Systems Program, Monmouth University
Vernal pools are temporary, fishless ponds that serve as critical breeding habitat for amphibians. The New Jersey State Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act regulates development of wetlands; however, it has limitations on wetlands smaller than 1acre, which may include vernal pools. In New Jersey, the DEP has mapped 13,594 vernal pools statewide. That large number precludes equal protection to each vernal pool, and it is widely acknowledged that vernal pools surrounded by upland forests which offer safe passage are preferable for migration of amphibians and sustainability of populations. The present work prioritizes vernal pools and assemblages of vernal pools, in New Jersey based on documented migratory buffers of amphibians around vernal pools. Buffers are assessed for degree of “fragmentation” by roads using a variety of metrics. Because roads do not present equal degrees of fragmentation, they are weighted by standard roadway design widths of different road types. Intersections of roads and vernal pool buffers are used to compute fragmentation metrics in a geographic information system. The metrics evaluated include: (1) road density, (2) core area defined as intact area adjacent to a vernal pool, not intersected by roads, (3) area of upland forest in core areas, (4) average distance to the vernal pool in core areas, and (5) metrics of the number of vernal pools and core areas surrounding a given core area. Metrics are combined quantitatively by calculating z-scores to produce a statewide vernal pool prioritization framework. Findings show large-scale patterns throughout New Jersey that should prioritize vernal pool preservation.
Statewide prioritization of vernal pools for pond-breeding amphibians in New Jersey
Virtual Lightning Paper Abstract
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